
  • Mind, Machines, and Human Consciousness: Are There Limits to Artificial Intelligence?
    by Robert L. Nadeau

    Mind, Machines and Human Consciousness (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1991). This book evaluates the present state of artificial intelligence computing in an effort to assess the efficacy of the claim by many cognitive scientists that consciousness is evolving on artificial substrates. The book predicts that a computer will be able to pass the Turing test in the foreseeable future and effectively simulate the cognitive and emotional processes of a conscious human being. But the case is also made that a proper understanding of the prior conditions of human consciousness in a quantum mechanical universe will force us to conclude that a conscious computer cannot be viewed as conscious in the same sense that human beings are conscious. 

  • Nature Talks Back: Pathways to Survival in the Nuclear Age
    by Robert Nadeau

    ­Nature Talks Back (Alexandria, Virginia: Orchises Press, 1984).  This book demonstrates that the language used by political theorists and military strategists during the Cold War perpetuated the myth that the nuclear defense system is rationally constructed and completely controllable. It also contains detailed descriptions of the near misses and accidents in the management of the nuclear arsenals and delivery systems in both the United States and the former Soviet Union that exposed the fallacy of this myth.

  • Readings from the New Book on Nature: Physics and Metaphysics in the Modern Novel
    by Robert L. Nadeau

    Readings From the New Book on Nature (Amherst, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981). An examination of the imaginative uses made by seven postmodern novelists (John Fowles, John Barth, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, Tom Robbins and Don DeLillo) of the implications of modern physical theory. This was the first book-length study to be published in the new field of study now known as “science and literature.”